Estimados visitantes de RentMen: Jonnysixonethree eligió responder 14 preguntas de la entrevista que fueron actualizadas por última vez el 29 Jul 2017.


  • ¿Cuál dirías son tus mayores atributos?
    Being able to see the world/society from a perspective that is outside/fairly removed from the status quo. Obviously as a white man I have epic in-built privilege, but if there's one thing I'm thankful for in terms of being a sexual minority, it's that it's given me (or forced me I should say) to look at many things from a different perspective.
  • ¿Cuál es tu "especialidad" o que te apasiona?
    I don't understand this question. I'm getting pretty good at playing Celine Dion's "It's all coming back to me now" on piano though. I can also quantify and model greenhouse gas emissions from most human activities (space and water heating, transportation, electricity generation/consumption, waste and wastewater treatment, etc.). Give me your utility bills and I'll tell you what your annual carbon footprint is ;)
  • ¿Cuáles son tus características específicas de estilo de vida que te hacen quién eres?
    Work plays a big part of who I am--although it's a double-edged sword in that I can sometimes derive too much purpose and meaning from it. I'm sure many people say this, but I also try to be kind and considerate--application of the golden rule, etc. That said, I'm definitely no saint or someone who always takes the high road. I have a strong urge/tendency to respond in kind. If I feel someone needs a good chewing out (e.g., for being a horrible person), I will go there. One example: I'm a pedestrian and I frequently get in fights with motorists that cut me off, block the sidewalk, spray passersby with road water/slush, use their horn obnoxiously towards cyclists/pedestrians, etc. I flip a lot of birds or break out the slow clap to express my displeasure...lately I've been thinking about carrying a cane so that I can physically whack cars driven by maniacs that almost kill me.
  • ¿Qué te gustaría que los lectores supieran acerca de ti que es único e incluso un poco personal?
    I have an autoimmune disease called psoriasis. Before you panic or start googling: 1) it's not contagious--it's my genes/environment; 2) I take an awesome medication to suppress it, and most of the time my skin is 100% completely fine/"normal". That said, I do get flare ups every now and then. Also, because my medication is what they call an immunosuppressant, it makes me more susceptible to picking up colds, etc. This is the main reason I don't offer kissing--I need to be super vigilant when it comes to my health. Many thanks to past and future dudes for being so understanding!
  • ¿Qué te distingue de todas las demás personas que conoces?
    My lazy eyed crooked smile ;) lmao
  • ¿Qué “esfuerzo adicional” haces en tu vida?
    I try to do good work. Charm helps...
  • ¿Qué haces para divertirte?
    Listen to/make music, chill with friends, blaze in the park...
  • ¿Con qué frecuencia viajas? ¿Prefieres viajar o eres una persona hogareña?
    Definitely more of a homebody. Grew up in a small town and sort of looking for an ideal one to settle down in someday...
  • ¿Qué tipo de dieta y rutina de ejercicios sigues?
    Nope, bye.
  • Cuéntanos acerca de la mejor experiencia que has tenido en la vida.
    I was married once. It was only for a short time but it was bliss. I'd like to find happiness like that again someday.
  • Si nos sentamos en la playa, a beber y comer solo tú y yo, ¿qué me contarías de tu persona y tu vida?
    Ha, hopefully it wouldn't be a one-way flow of information. I look for balance in conversations. If someone asks me questions about myself, of course I'm happy to answer them but I would equally want to make them feel as if I'm also interested in their story. But some little nuggets to whet your appetite: born into a very religious family (generations of evangelical Baptists), hopped around growing up, tried to prove myself for a while, hate that the deck is rigged against Millennials... and I'm a bit of a pessimist in terms of where humanity is headed.
  • ¿Qué deben saber otros con absoluta certeza acerca de ti?
    Aah, I'm hesitant to go here, especially in a political town like Ottawa--but I'm a political animal. A very passionate one. When I'm not on here I work in the sustainability field trying to steer 'development' towards a kinder, less destructive path. Key word here is try.
  • ¿Qué es lo que más te gusta de ti?
    Ha, I'm not sure I "enjoy" this about myself, but I suppose it would be being a relatively straight shooter (metaphorically--no I'm not talking about my cum shots!). Society--family, work, friends, cultural norms--will try to put all sorts of filters on our speech, or will try to label certain opinions as radical versus reasonable... I guess one of the things I value most is NOT having to conform or alter my speech/opinions in order to get "ahead", to placate a certain audience, or to conform to workplace pressures (I'm looking at you federal government drones!). It hasn't been an easy ride, but it's a core part of me that I've kept and will continue to defend.
  • Nombra 5 cosas sin las que no puedes vivir.
    Music, big mature trees, language/freedom of expression, alone/introvert time, kindness.